Current and Upcoming
Click on the links below to download
the latest version of the
Extension Program Catalog.
There are 3 available options:
Other courses
Advanced English Writing Course
Armenian as a Foreign Language
Armenian to English Interpretation Course
Armenian to English Translation and Interpretation
Business Communication in English
English at Work 1stlevel
English at Work 2ndlevel
English for Diplomats
English for Medical Personnel
English for Office Staff
English Oral and Aural Communication
English Oral and Aural Communication: Cultural
English Oral and Aural Communication: Literature
through Film
Preparation for GMAT
Preparation for GRE
Preparation for TOEFL
Preparation for IELTS (International English
Language Testing System)
Written Communication Skills in English
MS Windows
MS Word1st Level
MS Word 2nd Level
MS Excel 1st Level
MS Excel 2nd Level
MS Access 1st Level
MS Access 2nd Level
Internet and Electronic Mail
Adobe Photoshop 6.0
HTML Basics
Macromedia Dreamweaver 4.0
Macromedia Flash 5.0
C++ Programming Language
Visual Basic 6.0 Programming Language (level 1)
Visual Basic 6.0 Programming Language (level 2)
General English Courses in 7 Levels
English courses are based on the "New Interchange"
and "Passages" books, which are a multi-level
courses in English as a Second or Foreign Language for young adults
and adults.
General English Levels 1 to Level 4 are based on the "New
Interchange" books series.
New Interchange features high-interest topics, a focus on both
accuracy and fluency, and a multi-skills syllabus integrating
themes, structures, functions, vocabulary, and pronunciation.
The underlying philosophy of the course is that language is best
learned when used for meaningful communication. New Interchange
is written in American English, but reflects the fact that English
is the major language of International communication, and is not
limited to any one country, region, or culture. The course includes:
- An integrated multi-skills syllabus
- Contemporary, real-world topics
- Conversational language
- Grammar in communicative contexts
- Natural recordings with a variety of accents
- Task-based listening activities
- Opportunities to share opinions and ideas
- Student-centered fluency activities
- A thorough treatment of pronunciation
- Vocabulary-building exercises
- High-interest reading passages
- Review units at regular intervals
General English Level 5 and Level 6 are based on the "Passages"
book series.
"Passages" is a two-level multi-skills
course for upper-intermediate to advanced-level students of North
American English. It provides an ideal follow-up for students
who have completed a beginning to intermediate course, and is
carefully coordinated to function as a sequel to "New
Interchange". Tapes are for use in the classroom
or laboratory.
The course covers the four skills of listening, speaking, reading,
and writing, while giving systematic attention to grammar and
vocabulary. "Passages" seeks to develop
both fluency and accuracy in English through a topic-based syllabus.
The topics are of high interest to students and provide maximum
opportunities for personalization and discussion, promoting the
development of both linguistic and communication skills. The course
is based on the assumption that students have studied English
for a number of years and have a good foundation in general language
skills and need to extend their communicative competence by developing
their ability to:
- Expand the range of topics they can discuss and comprehend in
- Extend their knowledge and use of grammar
- Broaden their knowledge and use of vocabulary
- Speak English fluently, i. e. express a wide range of ideas
without unnecessary pauses or breakdowns in communication
- Speak English accurately, i. e., use an acceptable standard
of pronunciation and grammar when communicating
Duration: 9 weeks
Schedule: 3 days/wk; 3hrs/day
Language of Instruction: English
Prerequisite: None
The course covers the skills of listening, speaking, reading,
and writing, with particular emphasis on listening and speaking.
The primary goal of the course is to teach communicative competence,
that is, the ability to communicate in English according to the
situation, purpose, and roles of the participants. This level
is designed for beginning students needing a thorough presentation
of basic functions, grammar, and vocabulary.
English 2nd Level (min. vocabulary: 923)
Duration: 9weeks
Schedule: 3 days/wk; 3hrs/day
Language of Instruction: English
Prerequisite: English 1st Level knowledge (test score min. 41)
The course covers the four skills of listening, speaking, reading,
and writing, as well as improving pronunciation and building vocabulary.
Particular emphasis is placed on listening and speaking. The primary
goal of the course is to teach communicative competence, that
is, the ability to communicate in English according to the situation,
purpose, and roles of the participants. This Level takes students
to the low-intermediate level.
This level builds on the foundations for accurate and fluent
communication already established in the previous level by extending
grammatical, lexical, and functional skills.
English 3rd Level (min. vocabulary: 1210)
Duration: 9 weeks
Schedule: 3 days/wk; 3hrs/day
Language of Instruction: English
Prerequisite: English 2nd Level knowledge (test score min. 81)
The course covers the four skills of listening, speaking, reading,
and writing, as well as improving pronunciation and building vocabulary.
Particular emphasis is placed on listening and speaking. The primary
goal of the course is to teach communicative competence, that
is, the ability to communicate in English according to the situation,
purpose, and roles of the participants. Level Two is for intermediate
students and takes them from the low intermediate up to the intermediate
English 4th Level (min. vocabulary: 1380)
Duration: 9weeks
Schedule: 3 days/wk; 3hrs/day
Language of Instruction: English
Prerequisite: English 3rd Level knowledge (test score min. 126)
The course covers the four skills of listening, speaking, reading,
and writing, as well as improving pronunciation and building vocabulary.
Particular emphasis is placed on listening and speaking. The primary
goal of the course is to teach the ability to communicate according
to the situation, purpose, and roles of the participants. Level
Three takes students from the intermediate level up to the high-intermediate
Through the use of a wide variety of stimulating and challenging
activities, students are able to consolidate and develop their
communicative competence in English. A range of higher-level comprehension
skills is also developed. Listening activities involve listening
to narratives, commercials, discussions and interviews. Reading
activities are derived from authentic sources and often reflect
cross-cultural themes, exploring life-styles and values in different
English 5th Level
Duration: 9 weeks
Schedule: 3 days/wk; 3hrs/day
Language of Instruction: English
Prerequisite: English 4th Level knowledge (test score min. 166)
This level seeks to develop both fluency and accuracy at the
upper-intermediate to advanced level of proficiency. The course
is based on the assumption that students have studied English
for a number of years and have a good foundation in general language
skills. They now need to extend their communicative competence
by developing their ability to:
expand the range of topics they can discuss and comprehend in
extend their knowledge and use of grammar
broaden their knowledge and use of vocabulary
speak English fluently, i.e., express a wide range of ideas without
unnecessary pauses or breakdowns in communication
speak English accurately, i.e., use an acceptable standard of
pronunciation and grammar when communicating
read and write appropriate texts.
English 6th Level
Duration: 9 weeks
Schedule: 3 days/wk; 3hrs/day
Language of Instruction: English
Prerequisite: English 5th Level knowledge(test score min. 206)
This level seeks to develop both fluency and accuracy at the advanced
level of proficiency. The course is based on the assumption that
students have studied English for a number of years and have a good
foundation in general language skills. They now need to extend their
communicative competence by developing their ability to.
expand the range of topics they can discuss and comprehend in
extend their knowledge and use of grammar
broaden their knowledge and use of vocabulary
speak English fluently, i.e., express a wide range of ideas without
unnecessary pauses or breakdowns in communication
speak English accurately, i.e., use an acceptable standard of
pronunciation and grammar when communicating
read and write appropriate texts.
English 7th Level
Duration: 9 weeks
Schedule: 3 days/wk; 3hrs/day
Language of Instruction: English
Prerequisite: English 6th Level knowledge (test score min. 246)
For those who need to perfect their listening, reading, speaking,
and writing skills, this course will offer many opportunities to
use English at a very advanced - almost proficient - level. Activities
will be based on topics of professional interest. Skills for academic
work will also be dealt with. A minimum score of 246 on our placement
test is a requirement for enrolment.
Advanced English Writing Course
Duration: 7 weeks
Schedule: 2 days/wk; 3hrs/day
Language of Instruction: English
Prerequisite: English Proficiency Test Result: min. 230
This course will be given at an advanced level. Writing in a business
context will be emphasized. Consideration will also be given, based
on the expressed interests of the participants, on writing in other
areas such as, commerce, finance, law, tourism, and general academic
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Armenian as a Foreign Language
Duration: 9 weeks
Schedule: 2 days/wk; 3hrs/day
Language of Instruction: English/Armenian
Prerequisite: None
This is a beginner's Armenian Oral Communication course. Reading
and writing will be introduced but only as required to help in the
acquisition of basic language survival skills in Armenia.
Armenian to English Interpretation Course
Duration: 6 weeks
Schedule: 2 days/wk; 2hrs/day
Language of Instruction: English/Armenian
Prerequisite: English Proficiency Test Result: min. 260
This course will be given at an advanced level. Speeches to be translated
will be selected from a variety of areas in the Humanities, the Arts
and Sciences. Students will be encouraged to interpret simultaneously
in a wide range of language situations found in trade, business, administration,
diplomacy, and tourism. The cultural norms of language use will also
be considered.
Armenian to English Translation and Interpretation
Duration: 6 weeks
Schedule: 2 days/wk; 3hrs/day
Language of Instruction: English
Prerequisite: English Proficiency Test Result: min. 260
Oral skills will take up about 60% of class time with written skills
assigned to the rest. Texts to be translated will be selected from
a variety of areas in the Humanities, the Arts, and Sciences. Students
will be encouraged to interpret consecutively and simultaneously in
a wide range of language situations found in trade, business, administration,
diplomacy and tourism. Special emphasis will be given to the socio-cultural
norms of language use.
Business Communication in English
Duration: 5 weeks
Schedule: 2 days/wk; 2hrs/day
Language of Instruction: English Prerequisite: English Proficiency
Test Result: min. 190
This course helps students learn how to communicate competently in
a language and culture different from their own. Students will learn
and practice how to effectively participate in small and large-group
meetings. They also will become familiar with many American idioms,
phrases, and expressions commonly used in work situations. All types
of communication used in the business world -- including the telephone
-- will be reviewed. Furthermore, business etiquette in various cultural
contexts and business situations will be discussed.
English at Work 1st level
Duration: 9 weeks
Schedule: 3 days/wk; 2hrs/day Language of Instruction: English
Prerequisite: English Proficiency Test Result: min. 30
A course for those English Language beginners who need English in
their jobs or who hope to get jobs after learning English. It is also
useful for business studies and travel.
English at Work 2nd level
Duration: 9 weeks
Schedule 3 days/wk; 2hrs/day
Language of Instruction: English
Prerequisite: English Proficiency Test Result: min. 70
A course for those English Language beginners who need English in
their jobs or who hope to get jobs after learning English. It is also
useful for business studies and travel.
English for Diplomats
Duration: 6 weeks
Schedule: 2 days/wk; 3hrs/day
Language of Instruction: English
Prerequisite: English Proficiency Test Result: min. 220
Participants will work on those language skills that promote more
effective communication in the following professional areas:
- exchanging, presenting, and requesting information
- social interaction and conversation strategies
- etiquette and intercultural interacting - listening, translating
between the lines, and public speaking
- drafting formal documents
English for Medical Personnel
Duration: 6 weeks Schedule: 2 days/wk; 3hrs/day
Language of Instruction: English
Prerequisite: English Proficiency Test Result: min 190
The course is for physicians, surgeons, nurses, and officials of any
agency that deal with medical issues on an on-going basis. Oral (discussing
medical matters) and reading (vocabulary and comprehension) skills
will be emphasized at a high intermediate level. Grammar will only
be taught to explain a particular problem that becomes evident in
class. Students are expected to have enough time at home to do homework
on a regular basis. Topics will include:
- Taking a history, human anatomy - Examining a patient, symptoms
and treatments - Making a diagnosis, diseases, and ailments
- Treatment, medical and surgical procedures
- The profession: its organization and contemporary issues in Armenia,
the United States, and Britain.
English for Office Staff
Duration: 7 weeks
Schedule: 2 days/wk; 3hrs/day
Language of Instruction: English
Prerequisite: English Proficiency Test Result: min. 190
This course will cover the basic principles of office work, such as
arranging meetings, coordinating events, providing service, telephoning,
and supervising the office. The course will also include the basics
of written business communications. Participants will be trained in
the basic use of several computer programs that will enable them to
acquire notions about word processing, spreadsheets, and scheduling
software in the context of daily office work. This course will be
useful for secretaries, office managers or administrative assistants,
who would like to improve their office administration language skills.
Applicants should know English as one of their working languages.
English Oral and Aural Communication
Duration: 5 weeks Schedule: 2 days/wk; 3hrs/day
Language of Instruction: English
Prerequisite: English Proficiency Test Result min. 220
This course is designed to help non-native speakers communicate more
fluently in a variety of everyday situations. Through a variety of
classroom speaking activities, you will build your vocabulary and
your ability to use idioms in order to speak more accurately and express
yourself more effectively. Oral and aural communication in every-day
situations and in discussion groups will take up most of the time
in class. Commentaries, debates, speeches, role plays, and social
conversations will be organized around topics taken from short reading
texts and videos designed to stimulate discussions on a variety of
social issues - some controversial - of interest to the average adult.
Culturally sensitive rules of etiquette will be discussed. Grammar
and translation will be used only in extreme cases, if at all.
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English Oral and Aural Communication: Cultural
Duration: 4 weeks
Schedule: 2 days/wk; 3hrs/day
Language of Instruction: English
Prerequisite: English Proficiency Test Result min. 190
A series of lessons based on sequels from documentary video programs
chosen by the participants from the following list. Participants will
receive some written materials on the videos. A discussion will follow
the viewing of each film.
- The Ascent of Man
- Road to War Blood and Belonging
- Civilization
- Earth Story
- Travelogs
- Myths and Mythology
English Oral and Aural Communication: Literature
through Film
Duration: 4 weeks
Schedule: 2 days/wk; 3hrs/day
Language of Instruction: English
Prerequisite: English Proficiency Test Result min. 190
A series of lessons based on videos of classics of English literature
chosen by the participants from the following list. Participants will
receive some written materials on the videos. A discussion will follow
the viewing of each film.
- Persuasion
- Hard Times
- 1984
- Animal Farm
- Martin Chuzzlewit
- Jane Eyre
- Sense and Sensibility
- Of Human Bondage
- Middlemarch
- Great Expectations
- The Tenant of Wildfell Hall
Preparation for GMAT
Duration: 5 weeks
Schedule: 3 days/wk; 3hrs/day
Language of Instruction: English
Prerequisite: English Proficiency Test Result min. 190
This course is not an English language course, but addresses specific
strategies that can make one a more efficient and confident test-taker.
This class prepares students for the GMAT (Graduate Management Admission
Test). It includes an introduction to the verbal, quantitative, and
writing assessment sections of the GMAT; an orientation to question
types; proven strategies in test taking; and practice tests with answers
and explanations. The class focuses on the problems that non-native
English speakers have, including mathematics vocabulary. No grades
or certificate of completion will be given to students who take this
Preparation for GRE
Duration: 5 weeks
Schedule: 3 days/wk; 3hrs/day
Language of Instruction: English
Prerequisite: English Proficiency Test Result min. 190
This course is not an English language course but addresses specific
strategies that can make one a more efficient and confident test-taker.
This class prepares students for the GRE (Graduate Record Examinations).
It includes an introduction to the verbal, quantitative, and writing
assessment sections of the GRE; an orientation to question types;
proven strategies in test taking; and practice tests with answers
and explanations. The class focuses on the problems that non-native
English speakers have, including mathematics vocabulary. No grades
or certificate of completion will be given to students who take this
Preparation for TOEFL
Duration: 5 weeks
Schedule: 3 days/wk; 3hrs/day
Language of Instruction: English
Prerequisite: English Proficiency Test Result min. 190
This course is not an English language course but addresses specific
strategies that can make one a more efficient and confident test-taker.
Practice tests and specially developed exercises are used. Students
can expect to acquire useful skills in answering the types of questions
in the Listening Comprehension, Structure, Written Expression, and
Reading Comprehension sections of the TOEFL. No grades or certificate
of completion will be given to students who take this course.
Preparation for IELTS (International English
Language Testing System)
Duration: 5 weeks
Schedule: 3 days/wk; 3hrs/day
Language of Instruction: English
Prerequisite: English Proficiency Test Result min. 190
This is a preparatory course for the International English Language
Testing System (IELTS) examination. The course will provide detailed
information on the structure and content of the test, useful strategies
for taking the test, and controlled practice in all sections of the
test. The IELTS Academic qualification is accepted as an entry requirement
to many universities in the U.K., Australia, North America, and New
Zealand. It focuses on those language skills needed to study or train
in English. On the other hand, the General Training sections may interest
those who wish to demonstrate their language skills as part of their
overall job qualifications or as a tool within a practical language-training
program. It differs in some important respects from the TOEFL and
these will also be dealt with.
Written Communication Skills in English
Duration: 6 weeks
Schedule: 2 days/wk; 3hrs/day
Language of Instruction: English
Prerequisite: English Proficiency Test Result: min. 220
Speakers of English as a second language who make mistakes in grammar
and writing can benefit from this practical course. In each session
you practice writing clear, correct sentences and brief paragraphs
for various kinds of communication. You review the basic rules of
grammar and apply them to your use of the language in order to increase
your accuracy. You learn how to recognize your ability to make complex
sentences and express your ideas clearly. This course is designed
to strengthen the students' writing skills and uses in modern terminology,
with special focus on professional or academic communication. Students
will be expected to write extensively and to learn how to edit their
own work and that of their peers. The course will include class discussions,
as well as reading and writing assignments. Teaching will be conducted
with the use of modern texts and various media that take into account
the cultural aspects of written communication. The course is designed
for students who need to develop proficiency in writing for personal
or professional purposes.
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Duration: 1 week
Schedule: 2 days/wk; 4hrs/day
Language of Instruction: Armenian (and English as needed)
Prerequisite: None
- Understanding Computers
- Central Processing Unit, Random Access Memory
- Hard Disk Drive, Floppy Disk Drive
- Input & Output Devices
- Windows 95 Desktop & Elements
- Understanding the Taskbar
- Introducing My Computer
- Introducing Network Neighborhood
- Opening & Closing Programs
- Switching Between Open Programs
- Working with Windows
- Using Notepad, Paint, WordPad & Calculator
- Understanding & Using the Clipboard
- Changing the Look of the Desktop
- Choosing a Screen Saver & Colors
- Customizing the Mouse
- Changing the System Date & Time
- Accessing & Using Help
- Introducing Explorer
- Finding & Viewing Files
- Moving, Copying, Deleting & Renaming Files
- Using the Recycle Bin
- Customizing the Start Menu
- Creating Desktop Shortcuts
- Understanding the Startup Folder
- Running DOS applications
- Computer Viruses & Antivirus Programs
- Shutting Down the Computer
MS Word, 1st Level
Duration: 1 week
Schedule: 2 days/wk; 4hrs/day
Language of Instruction: Armenian (and English as needed)
Prerequisite: Familiarity with MS Windows
- Starting Word & Identifying Screen Elements
- Document Management
- Creating, saving & closing a document
- Opening new and existing documents
- Editing Techniques
- Selecting Text
- Inserting & Typing Over Text
- Undoing & Deleting Text
- Using KDWin (Keyboard Driver for Windows)
- Using Armenian, Russian & other National Character Sets
- Phonetic & Typewriter keyboards
- Changing Fonts & Font Size
- Bolding, Italicizing & Underlining Text
- Applying Borders & Shadings
- Changing Case
- Dropping Capitals
- Using AutoCorrect & Spell Checking
- Printing Options · Moving & Copying Text
- Paragraph Formatting
- Aligning & Indenting
- Paragraph & Line Spacing
- Setting & Using Tabs
- Using Bullets & Numbering
- Changing Page Layout
- The Structure of Document
- Body Text & Margins
- Page & Section Breaks
- Creating Headers & Footers
- Inserting Special Symbols & Footnotes
- Inserting Files & Pictures
- Working with Columns
- Creating Tables
- Using the Table Wizard
- Navigation & Selection Techniques
- Creating a Table from scratch
- Changing & Formatting a Table
- Totaling & Sorting Table Data
MS Word 2nd Level
Duration: 1 week
Schedule: 2 days/wk; 4hrs/day
Language of Instruction: Armenian (and English as needed)
Prerequisite: MS Windows, MS Word 1st Level knowledge
- Working with Drawing Objects
- Drawing Toolbar
- Drawing Lines, Rectangles & Ovals
- Special cases, using Shift & Ctrl keys
- Selecting, Moving, Copying & Deleting Objects
- Filling & Changing Colors
- Applying Styles, Shadows & 3-D Views
- Resizing & Reshaping Objects
- Rotating & Flipping Objects
- Aligning & Distributing Objects
- AutoShapes: Basic Shapes, Flowcharts, Arrow Blocks, Callouts
- Text Boxes, Combining Text & Graphics
- Inserting WordArt Objects, working with their properties
- Using Mail Merge · Form Letters
- Creating & Editing the Data Source
- Merging Main Document with Data Source
- Envelopes & Mailing Labels
- Standard & Custom Sizes Delivering & Return Addresses
- Printing Options
- Using AutoFormat, AutoText & AutoComplete
- Using Format Painter
- Applying Styles, Using Style Gallery
- Creating Index and Table of Contents
- Working with Templates
- Protecting Documents with Passwords
- Macro Viruses & Antivirus Programs
MS Excel 1st Level
Duration: 1 week
Schedule: 2 days/wk; 4hrs/day
Language of Instruction: Armenian (and English as needed)
Prerequisite: Familiarity with MS Windows
- Worksheet Terminology
- Identifying the Screen Navigating in Excel
- Creating a Worksheet Selection techniques
- Entering labels & numbers
- Editing & replacing cell contents Removing cell contents
- Freezing Panes
- Saving, closing & opening a workbook
- Using Excel's built-in Features
- AutoFill
- Creating Formulas
- Number Formats
- AutoSum & AutoCalculate
- Inserting & deleting rows & columns
- Hiding & Unhiding rows & columns
- Changing cell height & column width
- Copying & moving techniques
- Absolute & Relative Cell References
- Locking Cells
- Formatting the Worksheet
- Mastering Printing
- Working with sheets
- Working with Functions
- Understanding the Function Wizard
- Working with Common Functions
- Using the IF function
- Managing Data Sorting & Filtering Data
- Creating Charts
- Creating an Embedded Chart
- Changing a Chart
- Printing a Chart
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MS Excel 2nd Level
Duration: 1 week
Schedule: 2 days/wk; 4hrs/day
Language of Instruction: Armenian (and English as needed)
Prerequisite: MS Windows, MS Excel 1st Level knowledge
- Using Range Names
- Defining & Creating Range Names
- Applying Range Names
- Using & Changing Range Names
- Advanced Referencing
- Referencing Other Worksheets
- Advanced IF Functions
- Using IF with "And" and "Or"
- Nested IF Functions
- Automatic Subtotals
- Creating & Removing Subtotals
- Creating Subtotals from Filtered Data
- Advanced Chart Options
- Secondary Axes
- Trendlines & Forecasting
- Pivot Tables
- Creating a Pivot Table
- Creating a Two-Item Pivot Table
- Filtering & Grouping Pivot Tables
- Creating reports, hiding detailed data to create summary reports
- Excel customizing
- Customizing toolbars
- Creating templates
- Exchanging data of Excel books with other Windows applications
Access 97 1st Level
Duration: 1 week
Schedule: 2 days/wk; 4hrs/day
Language of Instruction: Armenian (and English as needed)
Prerequisite: Familiarity with MS Windows, familiarity with MS Word,
MS Excel is desirable
- Starting Access
- Defining Objects
- Working in an Existing Database
- Understanding Tables
- Database & Datasheet Terminology
- Entering & Changing Data in a Table
- Finding & Sorting Data
- Entering Data in a Form
- Previewing & Printing a Report
- Starting a Database
- An Overview of Database Design
- Field Property Basics
- Changing the Table's Design
- Creating Queries
- Using Criteria in Queries
- Sorting Data in Queries
- Creating Forms
- Using the Form to Enter Data
- Changing the Form's Design
- Creating Reports
- Changing the Report's Design
- Preview & Printing a Report
Access 97 2nd Level
Duration: 1 week
Schedule: 2 days/wk; 4hrs/day
Language of Instruction: Armenian (and English as needed)
Prerequisite: MS Windows, MS Access 1st level knowledge, familiarity
with MS Word, MS Excel is desirable
- Creating relationships between tables
- Working with two (or more) linked tables
- Creating forms with subforms
- Adding fields to a form.
- Changing properties of a control on a form
- Modifying Query Design
- Adding fields to query
- Specifying criteria
- Moving and deleting fields
- Filters in Forms
- Forms Based on a Query
- Calculated fields in queries
- How to Optimize a Database
- Calculated Fields on Forms
- Join Properties
- Creating a Query Based on Two Tables
- Append Query
- Update Query
- Delete Query
- Grouping in Reports
- Modules and Macros in Access
- Conditions in Macros
- Some Useful Macro Actions
- Referring to Objects in Macros and Modules
- Referring To Objects on Forms
- Referring to Objects on Reports
Internet and Electronic Mail
Duration: 1 week
Schedule: 2 days/wk; 4hrs/day
Language of Instruction: Armenian (and English as needed)
Prerequisite: MS Windows, MS Access 1st level knowledge, familiarity
with MS Word, MS Excel is desirable
- Use of electronic mail for communication in both business and
private areas.
- Skills to operate modern browsers such as Netscape Navigator,
Microsoft Internet Explorer, search strategies and proper use
of search servers (AltaVista, Yahoo, Lycos, Network, etc) access
to other resources via WWW, such as Network News, chat servers,
push news channels; available information as well as issues concerning
national WWW's.
- New emerging Internet technologies and their applications.
- By the end of the course, attendants will be able to use the
services of the Internet, including, but not limited to e-mail,
ftp and WWW, in all fields of their activity.
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Adobe Photoshop 6.0
Duration: 2 weeks
Schedule: 3 days/wk; 2hrs/day
Language of Instruction: Armenian (and English as needed)
Prerequisite: Familiarity with MS Windows
The course is designed for those who would like to have the skills
to work with this popular graphic editor from Adobe. Topics include:
- Creating,
- Editing, and
- Optimizing pictures for HTML documents
Duration: 2 weeks
Schedule: 3 days/wk; 2hrs/day
Language of Instruction: Armenian (and English as needed)
Prerequisite: Familiarity with MS Windows
The course gives the basic knowledge of the HTML language. This knowledge
is useful to create HTML documents using tables and frames. It is
also used to format text and insert graphic objects.
Macromedia Dreamweaver 4.0
Duration: 2 weeks
Schedule: 3 days/wk; 2hrs/day
Language of Instruction: Armenian (and English as needed)
Prerequisite: Familiarity with MS Windows, Internet Explorer, HTML
Based on one's knowledge of HTML files, this program allows rapid
and quality editing of complicated HTML documents by using one of
the most popular WYSIWYG Editors - Macromedia Dreamweaver 4.0. Topics
- Site, its meaning and structure
- Text formatting
- Inserting of graphic objects
- Table formatting
- Frames, layers, forms
- Behavior, Timelines, basics of Javascript
Macromedia Flash 5.0
Duration: 2 week Schedule: 3 days/wk; 2hrs/day
Language of Instruction: Armenian (and English as needed)
Prerequisite: Familiarity with MS Windows, Internet Explorer, HTML
This course is designed to help create Flash presentations using Macromedia
C++ Programming Language
Duration: 3 months Schedule: 3 days/wk; 2hrs/day
Language of Instruction: Armenian (and English as needed)
Prerequisite: Applicants will be interviewed by the Course Instructor
before the start of the class
C++ has evolved into a major development environment that covers every
aspect of programming, from educational applications to database programming,
and from financial applications to developing Internet components.
The topics covered in this course of lectures provide a solid understanding
of the principles and techniques involved in developing DOS applications
with C++. The three-months' course will use new methods outlined by
Microsoft Office's Specialists. At the end of the course, having successfully
completed the projects given by the Instructor, students may receive
a Certificate. The topics include:
- Getting started with C++
- Control Structures
- Functions
- Arrays
- Pointers and Strings
- Classes
- Operator Overloading
- Inheritance
- Virtual Functions and Polymorphism
- C++ Stream Input/Output
- Templates
- Exception Handling
- File Processing
- Data Structures
- Bits, Characters, Strings and Structures
- The Preprocessor
- Class string and String Stream
- Standard Template Library
- Standard C++ Language Additions
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Visual Basic 6.0 Programming Language (level
Duration: 2 months Schedule: 3 days/wk; 2hrs/day
Language of Instruction: Armenian (and English as needed)
Prerequisite: Applicants will be interviewed by the Course Instructor
before the start of the class
Visual Basic 6.0 has evolved into a major development environment
that covers every aspect of programming, from educational applications
to database programming, and from financial applications to developing
Internet components. The topics covered in this course of lectures
provide a solid understanding of the principles and techniques involved
in developing applications with Visual Basic. The two-months' course
will be based on the latest methods outlined by Microsoft's Specialists.
Students will receive handouts and, at the end of the course, having
successfully completed the projects given by the Instructor, they
may also receive a Certificate.
The topics include:
- Getting started with Visual Basic
- Visual Basic Projects
- Visual Basic, the language
- Working with Forms
- Basic ActiveX Controls
- Drawing and Painting with Visual Basic
- Advanced ActiveX Controls
- Using Multimedia Elements to Enhance Applications
- The Multiple Document Interface
- Recursive Programming
- Database Programming with Visual Basic
- DataGrid and FlexGrid Controls
- Basics of SQL
- SQL 7.0 server access through ODBC using Visual Basic
- Transactions and Batch operations
- Access output devices using Visual Basic
- The Windows API
Visual Basic 6.0 Programming Language (level
Duration: 1 month Schedule: 3 days/wk; 2hrs/day
Language of Instruction: Armenian (and English as needed)
Prerequisite: Applicants will be interviewed by the Course Instructor
before the start of the class
Visual Basic 6.0 has evolved into a major development environment
that covers every aspect of programming, from educational applications
to database programming, and from financial applications to developing
Internet components. The topics covered in this course of lectures
provide a solid understanding of the principles and techniques involved
in developing applications with Visual Basic. This course will be
given using the methodology outlined by Microsoft's specialists. Students
will receive handouts and, at the end of the course, having successfully
completed the projects given by the Instructor, they may also receive
a Certificate. The topics include:
- Object Programming with Visual Basic
- Building ActiveX Controls
- Projects with Data Environment
- Printing with Visual Basic
- Visual Basic and the Web
- The Script Model
- The Web-Browsing Controls
- DHTML Application
- Using Package and Deployment Wizard