its inception in 1992, AUAs Extension Program serves as the
Universitys interface with the community. It targets certain
sectors in government,academia, and private organizations
to help them fulfill - by means of flexible and innovative
programs - any further education and training programs they
may need. These may deal with issues that have local or international
significance and are designed to encourage a better understanding
of social, economic, and political realities.
Programs and courses dealing with language proficiency, public administration,
and social sciences are offered in the form of regular classes,
public lectures, and seminars. People who come from the public or private sector
attend these events. The Extension Program has included courses
and lectures on environmental safety, library science, translation
and interpretation, negotiation and settlement, accounting,
banking, English, finance, taxation, government, media, Armenian
language teaching, international economic relations, business
communication, office management, and public administration.
Programs may span anywhere from a few hours to a few months,
depending on need.
It is seeking to expand its programs to reach
people beyond the confines of Yerevan. As examples of this,
it has collaborated with the British Broadcasting Corporation
and Armenian State Television towards achieving this goal.
It has also offered classes in Gyoomree and Vanadzor on Accounting
principles. A series of courses offered in Spitak, with the
help of the Eurasia Foundation, focussed on Management, Finance,
Marketing, and Accounting. More recently, the Extension Program
has established a series of language classes in Gyoomree,
in response to public requests from that city.
With the active cooperation of USAID and the
MacArthur Foundation, the Extension Program has promoted seminars,
workshops dealing with the further professional development
of lawyers and judges, as well as a conference dealing with
topics in Political Science as it pertains to Transcaucasia
today. Recent one-day workshops have dealt topics as diverse
as the implementation of social change by using the means
available to non-governmental organizations, and the development
of the software development industry in Armenia.
Our Lecture Series features prominent leaders
in Armenia and abroad who deliver a lecture - every three
weeks or so - on topics of interest to the general public.
Questions and answers follow these lectures. This event is
transcribed and circulated, in both English and Armenian,
in the form of a Newsletter and on the Extension Programs
Internet site. A new Gordian Knot series has focussed on
presenting controversial issues by means of small, round-table
type discussions that are also open to the public.
Its Internet site seeks to interest students
and members of the general public in gathering information
on Armenian topics. It has created, in collaboration with
Armenian National Radio, a "This
Day in Armenian History" feature as well as a Geographical
information page. For students in Diasporan Armenian schools,
it has created an on-line spelling dictionary of difficult
words. The presentation is unique and aimed specifically at
problems that arise in the pronunciation of Western Armenian.
The Extension Programs activities are not part
of the Universitys degree programs and are offered on a non-credit
basis. Nevertheless, it is a very busy part of University
and community life. As a measure of its popularity, it has
attracted some 1,500 campus visitors and participants annually.
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The AUA Extension Program provides information
on its activities via electronic mail. We have set up a mailing
list called EXTEN-ANNOUNCE. It will help us to send
you information via e-mail.
Should you wish to receive information on our activities,
please send a message to:
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Anyone interested in our activities
may call the University Extension office at (374-1) 512-706
send e-mail at:
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file can be downloaded)
We would appreciate your comments to further improve our
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