Armenia has had a long and distinguished tradition
in science and technology. Pioneering advances in physics,
astrophysics, mechanics, mathematics and computer science
are credited to Armenian scientists and engineers. Strong
programs in these fields are offered at Yerevan State University
and at the State Engineering University. In developing its
graduate engineering program, AUA has aimed at benefiting
from this tradition, while complementing the existing engineering
programs in areas that address the immediate needs of Armenia
and its region.
The College of Engineering was one of the two
founding colleges of AUA. Initially, a Master of Engineering
program was offered in Earthquake Engineering. However, after
producing 32 graduates over a six-year period, the Earthquake
Engineering program was suspended in 1997 due to an insufficient
number of applicants. The expressed lack of interest in earthquake
engineering could be directly attributed to the current state
of inactivity in construction in Armenia and to the sharp
decline of freshman admissions into Armenian engineering universities
in 1992-95. AUA remains committed to advancing the field of
earthquake engineering in Armenia and its surrounding region.
The devastating effects of past earthquakes in Armenia, Iran,
and Turkey clearly demonstrate the urgent need for specialized
training in this field in order to improve the safety of buildings
and other constructed facilities in the region. AUA intends
to re-introduce the Master of Engineering program in Earthquake
Engineering as soon as sufficient student interest and job
opportunities for its graduates are realized.
Currently, the College of Engineering offers
two degree programs: a Master of Engineering in Industrial
Engineering and Systems Management and a Master of Science
in Computer and Information Science.
The Industrial Engineering and Systems Management
(IESM) program is designed to prepare graduates with a broad-based
knowledge in industrial production and operations management;
design of plants, production facilities and human/machine
systems; economic analysis; decision support and information
systems; reliability and quality assurance; systems analysis;
modern manufacturing; and computer methods. Classroom instruction
is supplemented by field trips to various service centers
or manufacturing plants, and by active participation in applied
research projects in the Engineering Research Center dealing
with problems of current interest to Armenia. The graduates
of the IESM program are qualified to work in all types of
manufacturing (e.g. electrical, chemical, automotive, consumer
goods, food) or service (e.g. health care, retail, banking,
consulting, software) industries, and are expected to play
key roles in the ongoing transformation of Armenian industry,
as well as in the emerging private enterprises in the industrial
and service sectors of Armenia.
The second degree program is the Master of Science in Computer
and Information Science (CIS). The AUA CIS program is an applied
program to help students gain the necessary skills requisite
to being productive leaders of the computing and related industries
in Armenia. As such, the graduates will complete a broad training
in the technical areas of the field, as well as in business,
management and entrepreneurship.
In addition to completing the core CIS course requirements,
students will select either a Software Engineering Track or
E-Business Track for their focus. Students are required to
complete a Practicum course associated with their selected
track, as well as the culminating experience which consists
of either an applied project or thesis.
Together with these degree programs, the College of Engineering
also offers a minor in Computer and Information Science, which
consists of a minimum of five courses on such topics as information
systems analysis, design of databases, Java and C++ programming,
and computer-human interfaces. This minor is open to all AUA
Armen Der Kiureghian
Ph.D., is the Dean of the College of Engineering and the
Director of the Engineering Research Center at AUA. A Professor
of Civil Engineering and holder of the Taise Chair in Engineering
at the University of California, Berkeley, Der Kiureghian
was a Fulbright scholar, a recipient of the American Society
of Civil Engineers' W.L.Huber research prize, and a holder
of the Mitsubishi Heavy Industry Visiting Chair at Tokyo University.
He was elected to the National Academy of Engineering of Armenia
in 1994 and the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia in
Barry Levine
Ph.D., is the Director of Computer & Information Science
program at AUA. He also serves as professor and graduate coordinator
of the Department of Computer Science at San Francisco State
University. He has consulted for various organizations, including
the World Bank, USAID, the U.S. Government and private industry.
His interests include object-oriented programming, programming
language design, compiler construction, functional programming
and asynchronous distance learning. He has traveled and lectured
worldwide in countries including Kenya, China, Jordan and
Artak Hambarian
Ph.D., M.Eng., is the Associate Director of the College
of Engineering and the Engineering Research Center at AUA.
Sarkis Zeitounian
M.Eng., is Facilities Engineer of the CAD/CAM Lab at AUA,
Lecturer at the College of Engineering
Alla Khosrovyan
M.S., is the Administrative Assistant at the College of Engineering
and the Engineering Research Center at AUA.
College Administration and Staff
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Academic Mission and Programs
| Faculty | Students
and Alumni
Engineering Research
Center | CAD/CAM
| Engineering Seminar | Events
IESM Degree Program
| CIS Degree Program
International Students
Faculty, College of Engineering
ARMEN DER KIUREGHIAN, Ph.D. University of Illinois
Professor, University of California, Berkeley
BARRY LEVINE, Ph.D. Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon
Visiting Professor and Director of Computer & Information
Science Program
Professor, San Francisco State University
ARTAK HAMBARIAN, Ph.D. State Engineering University of Armenia
Lecturer and Associate Director of the College and Research
AMI ARBEL, Ph.D. Stanford University, Stanford, CA
Professor, IESM
Professor, Tel Aviv University, Israel
RASHPAL AHLUWALIA, Ph.D. University of Western Ontario, Canada
Professor, IESM
Professor, West Virginia University
RAJENDRA AKERKAR, Ph.D. J. Kepler University, Austria
Professor, CIS
Professor & Head, Chh. Shahu Central Institute of Business Edu. & Research, Kolhapur, India
GAGIK ANTONYAN , Ph.D. Moscow Aviation Institute, Russia
Lecturer, CIS
Instructor, AUA Computer Laboratory
ARA ARABYAN , Ph.D. University of Southern California
Professor, IESM
Associate Professor, University of Arizona
ANAHIT ATAYAN, Ph.D. Moscow State University, Russia
Assistant Professor, CIS
HOVHANNES AVOYAN, MS State Engineering University of Armenia
Lecturer, IESM, CIS
VP, Lycos cjsc
LEVON BARSEGHYAN, Ph.D. Northwestern University, Evanston,
Assistant Professor, IESM
Assistant Professor of Economics, Cornell University
SANDRA BARTLETT , Ph.D. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,
Assistant Professor, IESM, CIS Minor
Adjunct Assistant Professor, University of Michigan
RAFFI DIONYSIAN, Ph.D. University of California, Los Angeles
Assistant Professor, CIS
GAYANE GOLTUKHCHYAN , Ph.D. student, West Virginia University
Lecturer, CIS
ARTAK HAKOBYAN, Ph.D. student, West Virginia University,
Morgantown, West Virginia
Visiting Lecturer, IESM
SUSAN HAYNES, Ph.D. University of Michigan
Associate Professor, IESM, CIS Minor
Associate Professor, Eastern Michigan University
ABDOLAZIM HOUSHYAR, Ph.D. University of Florida, Gainesville,
Visiting Professor, IESM
Professor of Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering and
IE Graduate Coordinator, Western Michigan University
SOUREN KHACHATRIAN , Ph.D. Yerevan State University, Armenia
Lecturer, CIS
Instructor, AUA Computer Laboratory
Senior Lecturer, CIS Minor
Senior VP of Technology, SAVVION
ARMEN KOSTANIAN , Ph.D. Institute for Informatics and Automation
Problems, NAS, Armenia
Associate Professor, CIS
Associate Professor, Yerevan State University
VIDYA KULKARNI , M.S. McMaster University, Ontario, Canada,
M.A. University of Delhi, Delhi, India
Visiting Fellow, CIS
Associate Professor, University of Delhi, India
HRACHYA KYUREGHIAN, Ph.D. Virginia Polytechnic Institute
and State University
Assistant Professor, IESM
PAUL LIU, Ph.D., Auburn University
Associate Professor, IESM
California State University, Los Angeles
AMEERSING LUXIMON, Ph.D. Hong Kong University of Science
and Technology
Assistant Professor, IESM, CIS
RICHARD MCCLINE, Ph.D. Tulane University, A.B.Freeman School
of Business, New Orleans, Louisiana
Visiting Associate Professor
Co-Director Ohrenschall Center for Entrepreneurship and Associate
Professor, Department of Management, San Francisco State University
San Francisco, CA
ALBERT MINASYAN, State Engineering University, Armenia
Lecturer, CIS
Systems Administrator, AUA Computer Services
Lecturer, CIS
Deputy Director, AUA Computer Services
IGOR MKRTOUMIAN , Ph.D. Moscow Institute of Transport Engineering,
Lecturer, CIS
Director, AUA Computer Services
VICTOR OHANIAN, Doctor of Physico-Mathematical Sciences,
St. Petersburg State University, Russia
Professor, IESM
Professor, Yerevan State University
BRIAN PHILLIPS, Ph.D. State University of New York at Buffalo
Visiting Associate Professor, CIS
ALEXAN SIMONIAN, Ph.D. Moscow State University, Russia
Professor, IESM
Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, Yerevan State
VIGEN TER-ISRAELYAN, Ph.D. Moscow All-Union Institute of
Scientific-Technical Information, Russia
Lecturer, CIS
Associate Professor, SEUA, Yerevan
DAN TRIETSCH, Ph.D. Tel Aviv University, Israel
Professor, IESM
Associate Professor, University of Auckland, New Zealand
BAGAS WARDONO, Ph.D. North Carolina State University, USA
Assistant Professor, IESM
YUNG-NIEN YANG , Ph.D., University of Louisville
Assistant Professor, IESM
Assistant Professor, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX
ROBERT YOLCHYAN, Doctor of Engineering, State Engineering
University of Armenia
Visiting Lecturer, CIS
Docent, St.Petersburg Institute of External, Economic Links,
Economy and Rights (Armenian Branch)
SARKIS ZARTARIAN, D.Sc, Liberty University, Virginia
Visiting Lecturer, CIS
Consultant, Development Manager, Applied Communication Concepts,
North Carolina
RAY ZAVODNIK, Ph.D. University of California, San Diego
Visiting Professor, CIS
Professor of Computer Science at the Fachhochschule, Regensburg,
Lecturer, IESM
Facilities Engineer, CAD/CAM Lab, AUA
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Academic Mission and Programs
| Faculty | Students
and Alumni
Engineering Research
Center | CAD/CAM
| Engineering Seminar | Events
IESM Degree Program
| CIS Degree Program
International Students
Search seminar topics by years:2004
2003 2002 2001
2000 1999 1998
1997 1996 1995
1994 1993
Seminar Series 2004
07/10/04 Kenell Touryan >>> The Impending World Energy
Crisis and How Renewable Energy Resources Can Help Alleviate
16/07/04 Vardges Melkonian >>> Network Models: Algorithms
and Applications
09/07/04 Suren Khachatryan >>> Introduction to Quantum
06/07/04 Razmik Abnous >>> Evolution of Documentum
from Startup to Leading Enterprise Software Provider
24/06/04 Dr. Richard McCline >>> Industry Analysis
18/06/04 Dr. Raymond Zavodnik >>> Rendering the Utah
11/06/04 Dr. Victor Ohanian >>> Development of Multivariate
Multiple Sampling Charts for Statistical Quality Control
21/04/04 Dr. William Golove >>> PROFORM software
Seminar Series 2003
9/10/03 Mr. John Turner >>> The Renewable Hydrogen
16/07/03 Mr. Adesh Jain >>> Discovering New Horizons
in Project Management
30/04/03 Mr. Tristan Cohen >>> Overview of Open Source
Software and Business
23/04/03 Mr. Tristan Cohen >>> OpenACS
Seminar Series 2002
14/02/02 DESODEC Team >>> Design and Installation
of a Solar Driven Heating and Desiccant Cooling Demonstration
System (DESODEC)
27/05/02 Mr. Razmik Abnous >>> Evolution of Documentum
Software Company
20/06/02 Professor Armen Der Kiureghian >>> Bounds
on System Probability by Linear Programming
27/06/02 Professor Ameersing Luximon >>> Buffer Desing
for Heterogenous Traffic in ATM Networks
10/07/02 Mr. Mark Wolochuk >>> Using Java for Automation
Control in Semiconductor Manufacturing
11/07/02 Professor Anahit Atayan >>> An Example of
an Online Stock Trading System Application Design
18/07/02 Professor Barry Levine >>> Integrating Patterns
in the Design of a Hierarchical File System
22/0702 Mr. Arek Goetz >>> Chaotic and Regular Word
of Geometry and Dynamics
7-9/10/02 Organized by Mr. Nicos Makris (USA) and Dr.
Mikayel Melkumyan (RA) >>> Reduction of Vulnerability
and Risk of Destruction of Existing Buildings in Strong Earthquakes
15/10/02 Mr. Seth Ourfalian >>> Quality or Else;
Software Project in Chaos
Seminars Series 2001
1/06/01 Professor Barry Levine >>> Introduction to
Software Design Patterns
15/06/01 Assistant Professor Hrachya Kyureghian >>>
(co-authored with Hans Haller) City Formation with Worker
and Employer Mobility
22/06/01 Dr. Sudipta Sarangi >>> (co-authored with
Hans Haller) Nash Networks with Heterogeneous Agents
29/06/01 Professor James Falk >>> Mathematical Models
of Set Separation co-athoured with Lana Yeganova and Helena
22/06/01 Dr. Setrag Khoshafian >>> e-Business Enterprise
27/07/01 Dr. Sergey Chemishkian >>> Smart Appliances
for Smart Home
Seminars Series 2000
7/31/00 Professor Susan Haynes >>> Hotspots for Multimedia
Data Annotation: An Indexing Problem
10/6/00 Professor Naimedjin Meshkati >>> "Advanced
Topics in Industrial and Systems Engineering: IE's Critical
Role in Facilitating Human, Organization, and Technology Interfaces"
10/11/00 Professor Armen Der Kiureghian >>> The Art
and Science of Model Building: A Bayesyan Approach
10/19/00 Professor Dan Trietsch >>> Using OR for
Managing Change and Environment
10/26/00 Assistant Professor Hrachya Kyureghian >>>
Transport Cost Sharing and Spatial Competition
11/29/00 Dr. Mikayel Melkumian >>> Structural Concept
and Analysis of Base Isolated Building of Huntsman Village
in the City of Gyumri
Seminars Series 1999
1/18/99 DESODEC Project Team DESODEC
7/7/99 Mr. Vasken Demirchian >>> Demand Flow Technology
7/21/99 Professor Katta Murty >>> Optimization and
Its Importance
Seminars Series 1998
4/10/98 Dr. Charles Dunlap >>> Tracing Lead Pollution
in the Environment
6/9/98 Dr. Alexis Takvorian >>> Applications of OR
in MOTOROLA's New Business Planning Process
6/18/98 Professor Alexan Simonian >>> Optimal Representation
of Random Fields
7/23/98 Professor Rashpal Ahluwalia >>> Software
Quality Assurance
7/28/98 Professor Mark Kaiser >>> The Design of Optimal
Tariff Structures
10/15/98 Dr. Rafy Semerdjian >>> ISO 9000, Quality
Assurance, Total Quality Management
10/22/98 Delta Tau >>> Systems and MSHAK Presentation
11/24/98 Professor Paulo Monteiro >>> Durability
of Reinforced Concrete
Seminars Series 1997
4/23/97 Professor James Kelly >>> Siesmic Isolation
for Earthquale Resistant Design
4/30/97 Professor James Kelly >>> Rubber Bearings
for Seismic Resistant Design
5/27/97 Professor Frederik Tajirian >>> Earthquake
Hazard Mitigation With Passive Damping Systems
7/1/97 Professor Rashpal Ahluwalia >>> Estimation
of Effort Required to Obtain ISO 9000 Registration
7/3/97 Associate Professor Mark Kaiser >>> The Head
Injury Criteria Functional
7/11/97 Assistant Professor Scott Campbell >>> A
Model for Reinforced Concrete Connections
Seminars Series 1996
6/6/96 Professor Victor Ohanian >>> Poisson Random
Planes Model in Tunnel Building
6/6/96 Assistant Professor Carl Grigorian >>> Seismic
Energy Dissipation with Slotted Bolted Connections
6/13/96 Associate Professor Richard Ray >>> Automated
Laboratory Testing and Field Data Acquisition
7/11/96 Dr. Hagop Sanasarian >>> Environment, Ecology,
7/25/96 Professor Rashpal Ahluwalia >>> A Two-Path
Algorithm for Determining Dimensional Chains in Tolerance
9/2/96 Dr. Vahe Ghahraman >>> Some Amplification
Effects on Building Damage During the 1998 Armenia Earthquake
10/11/96 Mr. Hagop Nazarian >>> Strengthening of
Multy-Story Masonry and Reinforced Concrete Buildings
Seminars Series 1995
4/11/95 Professor Victor Ohanian >>> Combinatorial
Principles in Integral and Stochastic Geometry
4/13/95 Assistant Professor Mark Kaiser >>> The Geometry
of Tolerance Analysis
4/18/95 Dr. Roy Stephen >>> AUA Shaking Table
4/19/95 Assistant Professor Scott Campbell >>> Nonlinear
Analysis of Structures
4/27/95 Professor Dan Trietsch >>> Total Quality:
It's a Huge Optimization Problem
5/4/95 Dr. Ashot Hakobian >>> Stochastic Analysis
of Nonlinear Systems
6/8/95 Associate Professor Rusk Masih >>> Stability
of Lift Slab Structure During the Construction Stage
6/15/95 Associate Professor Joseph Devinny >>> Biofiltration
for Contamination of Air from Soil Vapor Extraction Projects
6/22/95 Assistant Professor Mark Kaiser >>> Problems
in Geometric Optimization and Computational Convex Geomtery
6/29/95 Assistant Professor Nenad Gugunski >>> "Spectral-Analysis-of-Surface-Waves
Method in Nondestructive Evaluation of Pavements"
7/6/95 Dr. Sergey Chemishkian >>> Shape Control of
Flexible Mirrors
7/13/95 Dr. Paul Liu >>> Industrial Air Pollution
Control, Permit System, Enforcement in U.S.
7/13/95 Dr. Hank Yacoub >>> Integrated Solid Waste
Management Plan for LA County, CA
7/17/95 Sue Carter >>> Recent Developments in the
Science and technology of Metal Oxide Systems
7/20/95 Professor Rashpal Ahluwalia >>> Computer
Aided Tolerance Charting
7/27/95 Areg Simonian >>> On Theory of Creep of Single
8/3/95 Dr. Dennis Hiltunen >>> Reliabilty Analysis
of the SASW Method
Seminars Series 1994
4/14/94 Professor Ami Arbel >>> The Analytic Hierarchy
4/21/94 Dr. Philippe Geyskens >>> The Structural
Reliability Analysis
4/28/94 Dr. Kenell Touryan >>> Renewable Energy:
Problems and Prospects
5/5/94 Dr. Roy Stephen >>> Vibration Motions of Structures
5/12/94 Professor Farouk Heiba >>> Think Globally
and Strategically or Business Success
5/19/94 Dr. Robert Tembeckjian >>> Armenia's Attempt
to Adopt a New Constitution
6/16/94 Mr. Dennis Hiltunen >>> The Strategic Highway
Research Program
6/23/94 Associate Professor Joseph Devinny >>> Biofiltration
for Air Pollution Control
6/30/94 Professor Richard Bernhard >>> Some Basic
Conceptual Shortcomings in the Tests Proposed by EPA
7/7/94 Professor Rashpal Ahluwalia >>> Integration
of Design and Manufacturing Systems
7/14/94 Professor Richard Woods >>> Ground Probing
Radar in Geotechnical and Geo-Environmental Applications
7/21/94 Dr. Ashot Hakobian >>> Boundary Integral
Equations of Elasticity Theory
7/28/94 Dr. Ronald Benson >>> From "Agrarian" to
"World" Class Manufactiring
Seminars Series 1993
10/19/93 Professor Mansour Niazi >>> Seismic Pattern
in Caucasus and Evaluation of Seismic Hazard in Armenia
Academic Mission and Programs | Faculty
| Students and
Engineering Research
Center | CAD/CAM
| Engineering Seminar | Events
IESM Degree Program
| CIS Degree Program
International Students