> Academic standing
> Grades
> Graduation requirements
> Repetition of courses
The Quarter System
The graduate program at AUA is normally offered during three academic
quarters: spring, summer, and fall. Courses and independent studies
may occasionally be offered during the winter quarter.
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Academic Programs > Academic Policies
> Grades
The work of graduate students at AUA is evaluated on the basis
of letter grades as follows: A (excellent), B (satisfactory), C
(minimum passing level), D (unsatisfactory), I (incomplete), F (fail),
P (pass). For individual studies or seminars, students may be evaluated
on the basis of the following: S (satisfactory) and U (unsatisfactory).
The grades A, B, and C may be modified by plus (+) or minus (-)
suffixes reflecting the strength of the grade.
Grade points per letter are assigned as follows: A=4, B=3, C=2,
D=1, F=0. When attached to the grades A, B, C, plus grades carry
three-tenths of a grade point more per unit, and minus grades three-tenths
of a grade point less per unit, except for A+, which carries 4.0
grade points. A students grade point average is computed on a
scale of 4.0 and is based on courses taken at AUA. Grades A, B,
C, D, and F are used in determining the grade point average. Although
grades P, S and U carry no grade point and are excluded from all
grade point computations, students receive course credit. Grade
I carries no grade point and students do not receive course credit
until completion of all necessary coursework and assignment of a
grade. Graduate students at AUA must maintain an overall grade
point average of at least 3.0 in courses taken at AUA.
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Repetition of Courses
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Academic Programs > Academic Policies
> Repetition of Courses
Graduate students must repeat courses in which they received a
grade of D or F. When a student repeats a course in which he or
she received a D or F, degree credit will be given only once, and
only the most recently earned grade will be used to calculate the
students cumulative grade point average. Students who receive
a grade of C+, C or C- have the option to repeat the course. Degree
or certificate credit and grade points will be computed in the same
manner as for repeat courses. Students receiving the I grade must
duly complete the requirements of the course, or repeat the course,
within one year from the time the grade was assigned. If students
fail to do so, their I grade will be changed to an F grade.
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Academic Standing (including probation
and dismissal)
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Academic Programs > Academic Policies
> Academic Standing
Based on their performance, graduate students at AUA are classified
as: 1) in good academic standing, 2) on probationary status, or
3) subject to dismissal. Students are considered to be in good
academic standing if: 1) they are making adequate progress toward
completion of degree requirements, and 2) they have a cumulative
grade point average of at least 3.0.
Probation and Dismissal: Students who are not in
good academic standing are considered to be on probation or subject
to dismissal. Probation is intended to provide a student whose
performance is less than satisfactory with a period in which to
correct the deficiencies and to raise performance to a level consistent
with the minimum standards required by the University.
Graduate students can be placed on academic probation and ultimately
dismissed if they fail to make normal progress toward their degree
or certificate. At the end of each quarter, the Office of the Registrar
reviews the records of all registered graduate students. Those
whose records indicate academic deficiencies, i.e., a grade point
average below 3.0 or inadequate progress toward completion of degree
or certificate requirements, are reported to the Dean or Acting
Dean, who will notify these students that they are on probation,
subject to dismissal, or dismissed. A student who has been dismissed
from the University will not be readmitted.
Letters notifying students of probationary status will specify
the nature of the problem or deficiency, the steps to be taken to
correct the deficiency, and a reasonable period in which to correct
the problem or to show acceptable improvement.
A student who remains on probation during two consecutive quarters
may be subject to dismissal. Students are subject to dismissal
if they do not correct their academic deficiencies after a reasonable
period of probation. Students are removed from probationary status
when they raise their grade point average to at least 3.0.
Students have the right to appeal academic or administrative decisions
that terminate their progress toward the degree. Generally, students
should initiate an appeal at the administrative level at which the
action was recommended. Only after the students appeal has been
heard at that level may it be referred to the next higher administrative
or academic level. In cases of dismissal from the University, students
may appeal once, in writing, to the Academic Standing Committee,
which consists of all the Deans and Acting Deans. This written
appeal must be filed directly with the Director of Student Academic
Affairs. A student who has been dismissed from the University for
scholastic deficiencies (low GPA) will: (a) not be eligible for
readmission to any AUA degree program, and (b) not have AUA privileges.
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Degree or Certificate Requirements
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Academic Programs > Academic Policies
> Graduation Requirements
Colleges and programs set their own subject requirements for the
degree/certificate. All study programs are approved by the Dean
or Acting Dean of the appropriate College or Program. Students
must complete all published course requirements and must maintain
a minimum grade point average of 3.0 in order to graduate. Students
cannot graduate if their transcripts have a D or F grade. Degrees/certificates
are awarded once in a year in October.
Completion of Requirements for the Degree/Certificate
Students have a maximum of three years in which to complete all
published requirements for their degree/certificate. If they do
not finish in that period, the appropriate College will terminate
the candidacy of students within a reasonable time after their candidacy
has lapsed beyond the three-year limit.
Transfer of Credit
1. An AUA student may petition to transfer to AUA up to 4 units
of credit for a course completed at another recognized institution
of higher learning, subject to the following conditions:
That the student earn a passing grade in the course for which
transfer credit is requested;
That the student submit an official transcript from the institution
at which the credit was earned, showing the grade and number of
units awarded for the course in question; and
That the student provide evidence that the credits s/he is requesting
to transfer to AUA will not be utilized to fulfill a program or
degree requirement at another institution.
2. An applicant from another university who wishes to transfer
his/her earned credits towards an AUA degree may be allowed to transfer
one course with the approval of the Dean of the College. Furthermore,
the Dean may allow fore more credits based on the results of the
waiver examinations given by the Department to the Applicant.